Looking for funny gag gifts for Christmas? These are the top 10 gift ideas that everyone will love, and they are all under $30!
Christmas is all about making everyone happy and gift are a big part of that. But you don’t have to buy something expensive to please someone. Making them laugh with a well thought out funny or gag gift for Christmas is one of the ways for everyone to have fun.
Better yet, you can do it without breaking a bank. We have picked our top 10 favorite funny Christmas gifts for under $30. Check them out for some brilliant ideas.
Funny Go Away Coffee Mug

You’ve probably noticed how a person’s mood depends on the morning coffee. It’s all because of that black energy-boosting goodness. If you know the person you’re looking a gift for can’t start a day without a mug of coffee, then this funny mug is for them. It’s a great white elephant gift as well.
They will be able to communicate their mood without having to talk about it. And that’s very important when you’re low on coffee in your body. The mug illustrates a mood barometer in an entertaining way.
Why it’s our pick? Because it’s a great funny gift for a coffee person. It’s witty and friendly while it gets laughs too.
Funny Gag Puzzle Gift Box

If you want to play a little fun gag on someone, this puzzle gift box is a friendly way to do it. Who said receiving gifts should be easy? If you’re the kind of person who likes to challenge their friends, it’s a great way to present your Christmas gift.
The puzzle box is intended to store money or a gift card. And after it’s opened, it can be re-used as a piggy bank or hidden storage.
Why it’s our choice? Because the puzzle gift box is a fun gag gift for people of all ages and genders. It’s a fun and unique way to gift money and gift cards.
Funny Light Up Beanie Hat

We aren’t sure if this gift is funny or not, but it’s cool. Who doesn’t want to light up like a Christmas tree on Holidays? And you can give anyone this fantastic opportunity with this LED beanie hat.
It’s a great practical gift to anyone, and it can work as a gag gift too. And yes, there are light up gloves to go with the hat also!
Why did we pick this gift? Because this light up had is as cool as it is funny. A great gift for anyone.
Light Up Gloves

We’ve promised there were light up gloves, and here they are. It’s another fun wearable gift with many uses. Yes, it can be a gag gift for Christmas, but the gloves are quite cool too. Pair it with the light up beanie hat, and you’re good to go.
Why it’s our choice? Because light up gloves go well with a light up hat.
Funny Elf Apron Gag Gift

Know someone who would use the help of an elf in the kitchen? Give them this funny elf apron as a Christmas gift. If it doesn’t do its magic to help them, then no one will. Otherwise, it’s a fully functional apron that looks adorable.
Why it’s our pick? Because you can give someone a magic apron as a Christmas gift.
Funny Mermaid Sleeping Bag

This mermaid tail sleeping bag is funny but very practical. Gift it to someone who likes to crawl up in a blanket. It’s whimsical and fun. At the same time, you can turn them into a real Mermaid!
Why it’s our pick? Because a good warm blanket is a great Christmas gift. A Mermaid tail blanket is a great funny gag gift.
Funny Coloring Book for Adults

Know someone who lives a stressful life and is into wine? This coloring book for adults is the perfect Christmas gift to them. Not only coloring helps relieve stress, but it might also actually help someone’s drinking problem. Or you can play a gag on them.
Why it’s one of our picks? Because coloring is fun and it’s a fun Christmas gift as a more than a gag.
Christmas Socks Gag Gift

Ok, so these are real handknit socks that are practical during the winter and all. But if you’re the person who knows the value of getting socks for Christmas, you will love to play this gag. Just don’t let them tell you this gift sucks. Because these are great socks!
Why did we choose this gift? Because nice and warm knit socks are actually a great Christmas gift.
Funny Wine Time Christmas Sweater

It’s not only an ugly Christmas sweater. It’s the ultimate gag gift to a wine lover. They might even like it — a lot. Like they do wine. Anyway, it’s a pretty cool sweatshirt and a great funny Christmas gift.
Why it’s our pick? Because we think an ugly Christmas sweater has to be one of the top gag gifts ever.
Karaoke Microphone

It’s not a gag gift per se but it’s a cool gift to someone who likes to sing. It can be a gag gift if it’s to someone who likes to sing but can’t. In any case, they will love it.
Why it’s our choice? Because it’s a cool gadget that can work as a gag and practical gift at the same time.